Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Book Review: Blue Planet Project

Blue Planet Project (Anonymous) is the personal notes and scientific dairy of a scientist who was contracted by the government over several years to visit all crash sites, interrogate captured Alien Life Forms and analyze all data gathered from that endeavor. The book begins with a discussion on the organizational structure of US agencies for Alien Life research and a broad commentary on the activities undertaken in the past, many of it, shocking, to say the least. For example, "It was the MJ-12 group who ordered the assassination of President Kennedy when he informed MJ-12 that he was going to tell the public all the facts of the Alien presence", and, another task undertaken is the "Creation of an artificial disease known as ‘AID’S". 
The book then lists various documents featuring historical accounts of the United States Government’s Investigation of Aerial Phenomena, Recovered Alien Aircraft, and contacts with Extra-Terrestrial Life Forms. It describes the constitution of aliens and related affairs. For example, "The Aliens believe in a Universal Cosmic God. The Aliens claim that MEN are Hybrids who were created by them. They claim all religion was created by them to hasten the formation of a Civilized Culture and to control the Human Race. They claim that JESUS was a product of their efforts. The Aliens have furnished proof of their claims and have a 'device' that allows them to show audibly and visually any part of History that they or we wish to see."
A report on the progress US has been making on Alien research is there in this book. That "alien crafts from other worlds have crashed on Earth, alien crafts are from both Ultra-Dimensional sources and sources within this Dimension, the U.S. Government has had live Alien hostages at some point in time, the U.S. Government has conducted autopsies on Alien cadavers, the United States Space program of today is a cover operation that exists for public relations purposes, etc." Such operations as these are then described in greater detail, with graphic analysis of the racial structure, functional similarity with the life forms of earth, and other results yielded.
Next described is information relating to alien implants, which is part of these creatures and is a techno-organic enhanced processor powered by a micro-positron flow that controls or mimics the functions of the human nervous system with micro-relay’s duplicating the operations of brain engram patterns. How aliens abduct humans for various reasons, insert  different types of implants that alter one's sense of perception, and other attributes to suit their needs, and many other exciting features of Alien Technology. How the superior technology of the Aliens can make us unaware of their technology itself, or can make it appear as harmless or insignificant.
I do not know how authentic is the data in this book. Really terrifying is the future, if things are to follow as described here. Aliens then need to be seen as very intelligent and developed creatures who use humans as guinea pigs. They visit this planet often, as part of certain studies. Much of the unexplainable instances we encounter are nothing but the intended and unintended effects from those evolutions.

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