Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Book Review: Theory of Everything

'Theory of Everything' by Stephen Hawking contains seven lectures. In the first one, 'Ideas about Universe', past ideas in this regard are examined, indicating how, those continue to lead us to newer ideas. Further concepts, principles and thoughts are examined in the following chapters titled 'Expanding Universe', and 'Black Holes'.
In the next chapter, 'Black Holes aren't so Black', author explains how, the principles of quantum mechanics permit leakage of energy from black holes and how, that can affect the origin of universe. Next chapter is quite an abstract discussion. It tries to reason why the past is different from the future. The final lecture is a commentary of our efforts towards unification of quantum mechanics, gravity, and all other known interactions.
All the lectures give equal importance to abstract concepts, historical missives, and entertaining discussions. The book talks of the need to discover a complete theory, one understandable in broad principle by everyone, not just a few scientists. Then we shall all be able to take part in the discussion of why the universe exists. 

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